This weekend was absolutely amazing. It really all started on Thursday when I found I would not need to come in to work on Friday. After work I went to school and then I hung out with two of my favorite girls (Kamecia and Lily). We had pizza and had good girl talk and watched The Office. I love hanging out with Kamecia and I really need to do it more. So after I left Kamecia's I went home and got all cute and around 11 or so I drove up to St. Helena and went to Anna's Cantina. Willi was going to meet me there when he got off work, but in the meantime Ben and Kristin were there so I hung around them for the short time when Willi wasn't there yet. I had an effing blast there. I actually danced...for a long time. Granted I had drinks in me...but still, I had so much fun that I could probably dance again WITHOUT being tipsy. haha. We all stayed until they closed and then Willi and I proceeded to go to Paul's house but we had pressing matters to attend to and didn't stay long. hehe. Paul is so funny, he gave me a hug goodbye (so this means 2 of Willi's friends like me now! score! LMAO)
So on to Friday...Slept in hella late. it was glorious. The "morning" was pretty chill except for roommate drama, but we just hung around the house until I had to go to my doctor's appointment. When I got back Willi and I drove up to Santa Rosa to give my brother some money from my mom. When we finally got back in town we drove through St. Helena again and stopped by Paul's to pick some miner's lettuce from his "backyard." Oh and I forgot that we stopped by the cia and "borrowed" some veggies...in Ben's words it was "sexy baby fennel." When we were done being gatherers we went and picked up Ben and Kristin who had been passed out, so it took a bit for them to get shit together. We then proceeded to Whole Foods and we were there until closing trying to pick what to have for dinner. The boys finally decided to roast some whole chickens. We went to Safeway and got the means to make some cocktails. We FINALLY got back home and the boys started cooking (at like 11 pm) Kristin made us all Vodka cranberry drinks and us girls played some intense games of speed until dinner was ready. Some pretty epic pictures were taken of the four of us. Ben, Kristin, and I were plastered, Willi not so much, but he still knows how to have fun. heh. We finally started eating dinner at like 12:15 or so. It was pretty funny because we all started out eating our salads with our forks and finished it by eating with our fingers and moved on to our chicken with our fingers as well. It was that delicious. :) after dinner kristin and I passed out in the living room (conveniently in time for clean up). we had some red wine and dark chocolate that we were all supposed to go eat out in the vineyard, but Kristin and I were done for. So the boys frolicked in the vineyard for a couple hours while we were at home fast asleep.
Saturday morning my alarm went off at 8:15...disgustingly early. But Willi and I got up and got ready and took Ben and Kristin back (oh and ps...this short time in the morning was the only time I saw Ben sober this entire weekend). We then proceeded to pick up my uncle and drive him up to Roseville. By the time we finally got there I thought I was going to be so so SO sick. Willi drove home and I slept it off (sorry boo. heh). But I think he was secretly trying to wake me up, or at least get me back for sleeping because every time he approached traffic he would slam on the brakes a little too eagerly and my stomach would suddenly be in my throat, ready to be regurgitated. He says he didn't mean too....yeah. RIGHT. lol. So when we got back in to town we found that Ben and Kristin were in St. Helena for some reason, not ready to go to the city like they should have been. So we went and got them so they could go back to the house and change. On the way though, we stopped in a field of mustard and took a bunch of fun pictures. We eventually headed out to the city for our adventure. We decided to go in to the Lower Haight area where Idle Hand Tattoo shop is. Kristin and I were able to get walk in appointments. She got some cute angel wings on her foot and I finally got my "mom" sparrow. I decided against getting the "mom" and "dad" banners beneath each because I feel they wouldn't fit properly with the angle of the birds. It looks phenomenal, way better than the first one. This guy's lines are really great. He was definitely a bit of a digger though and there were spots that were just extremely painful, but I had Willi's hand to hold so I got through it fine. The dude finished in like 20 minutes. it was awesome. And I have an appointment scheduled for the 28th to come and get another piece done on my arm. I'm stoked. So anyways, after the tattoos we kind of went separate ways with Ben and Kristin because they were meeting some friends and going to Bourbon and Branch and Willi and I didn't feel like dropping $12/drink. We went up Haight to the awesome Hooka bar and hung out for a couple hours. They had belly dancers and it was awesome. So much fun.

Finally Sunday came. Woke up at a decent hour. Ben and Kristin came and said their good byes and had breakfast with us. Then Willi and I spent the rest of the day hanging out in his room listening to music mostly until I had to take him to work. It was a truly incredible weekend. I had a ridiculous amount of fun.

Makes me soooo happy to see you having a blast and enjoying life. Love you pal!
I love that first pic. awesome.
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