Tuesday, January 13, 2009

why God is it only Tuesday???

It feels like the work week should already be over...but it's NOT. oh well. the rest of the week should be better considering it's minus one of the most annoying people ever. work is always more fun when i work with my boys. trash talking each other all day is so fun...and it always ends with some joke about nick's g/f. it's perfect. lol

i've been bruising extremely easily lately. it's strange. and some of the bruises are slightly embarassing! hah

i went to yoga last night, it felt awesome but the room has two complete walls of mirrors...i'm now incredibly body conscious and not feeling as terrific as i was. my hips are very large.....and my stomach but the worst part is it's not all the way around and it doesn't hang over or anything...it sticks out. so...basically...it looks like a baby bump. NOT COOL WITH ME. it only encourages me to keep up with my crunches though. hopefully soon i'll like what i see in the mirrors a lot more. i don't know if it's just cuz i've lost weight around my ribs and back (basically everywhere on my torso EXCEPT my stomach!) or if they really have gotten bigger, but my boobs have been looking larger these days which is utterly fantastic. haha. i think it's just because of the weight loss because i haven't needed a new bra size or anything. it's awesome though! ...and i now realize how horribly vain this paragraph makes me sound. lol. oh well.

i think i've been feeling a little more stress the past few days because i've gotten a couple heart palpitations again. i hadn't had any in a long time and then i got one yesterday and i got one today. i think it's because of everything that's been on my mind lately is starting to be a lot. my brother being the main thing. haven't heard much from him since last week, which i THINK is a good sign. the counselors have said that he's participating in everything and he's been ON TIME for everything too. it kind of blows me (and my family) away. it's funny too because the 2nd or 3rd day he was up there his laptop broke, and he can't have his phone there so that means he's without technology for the most part there. and shockingly enough, he seems to be dealing with it quite well! i'm trying to not get my hopes up about anything, but i REALLY want this to work.

well i'm pooped and going to relax a little before i go to the gym... toodles.

1 comment:

Kamecia said...

You have been looking noticeably skinnier every single time I've seen you in the past few months. Keep at it, you're doing awesome. You're going to be super-thin before I even get super-fat.