Thursday, February 19, 2009

Geek time...

WHY ISN'T IT FRIDAY YET???? it was a short work week but i feel like it's been so long. it's time for friday.

so dinner at the parents tmrw night. I'm excited. we changed the dinner plans cuz I could tell my mom was nervous and everything so I wanted it to be a stress free as possible for her so we're getting pizza. which really is no problem with me because i've been hella wanting pizza...I go through food phases...currently it's a need for pizza. Theeeeeeen on Saturday Willi and I are going to spend the day in the city. I'm excited. I haven't been to the city in a while. Especially not to just hang out and walk around.

Next weekend is Wondercon! I'm excited. Don and Rosey's housewarming party is on Saturday though, so I haven't totally figured out exactly what day(s) I'm going or if I go on Saturday if I'll just stay half the day or what. I totally almost forgot about this. I feel like it's usually later in March, so good thing Don mentioned Tommie going to it today. I kind of really want to go on Saturday, even if for just half the day because they have the Watchmen panel in the morning.

Anyways...the next two weekends have exciting things in store for me. I'm stoked.

1 comment:

saya said...


I can't go to wondercon this year...